Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Silver Nitrate!

For a few months now, I have been having immense pain at my tube site. What did I find? Granulations! 

For those who don't know, when doctors cut a hole in your stomach to put in a feeding tube, your body will continuously try to *heal* the wound.

 The result is new skin tissues forming around the stoma (wound site). New skin is very fragile and sensitive, but it also hurts me. The best way I know to heal this is to use Silver Nitrate sticks to cauterize the wound. So my caregiver and I did that this morning.The initial feeling?! Dang! That hurts! (Obviously, your burning yourself!) 

Yes, it hurts, but when you look at the two solutions on hand, you've got be in pain for a long time or be in pain for a little amount of time.

Hmmm... I'll take the second of the two scenarios!
I guess I'll just think of the more positive things in life, and keep these sucky things on my alternative list of things to do.