Monday, March 27, 2017

The Secret to Success

We all want it: that big pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow!

It could be a promotion at work; working less; having more time to care for our loved ones; gaining financial freedom or fulfilling personal morals. Everyone wants it, but only a few can actually attain it. We feel like we have an imaginary boulder stopping us from progressing in life.

Why is it that there are some people who have absolutely no problem bypassing the boulder while others can’t even go within ten feet of it? Is there a giant secret that only a few people have and the rest of the world doesn’t? Yes!! But – no not really.

Actually, every single person has it.

The secret is, ATTITUDE!

Attitude has got to be the biggest possible game changer in the history of the world. This life was not meant to be easy, and the attitude you set in motion will derive your outcome. If you want to be a pessimist, you will get a crummy attitude in return. If you’re an optimist, the world will give you a break!

The only way you can advance in life is by taking the necessary steps, and not shunning your past, but looking ahead toward the future.
First step to change is your mindset. Our minds are so creative, so capable to constantly grow and learn and adapt to any type of situation.
Carol Dwecks book Mindset gives a fascinating perspective on how abilities can be developed. YOU ARE NOT WHO YOU CURRENTLY ARE!!  Our brains are so malleable that we need to recognize that the brain is like a muscle. It constantly needs nourishment (a.k.a. NEW information) in order to have a growth mindset.

We are born with the growth mindset; we are so curious as we develop and grow into this captivating world we live in. The thrill of having a sleep over with our best friend; the fun of tying a red towel around your neck to become superman! 

We are so eager to learn about this world and what it has to offer. We become engrossed in using our talents to better off the  world!
But something happens as we age. We grow a chip on our shoulder and we start to think the world owes us something. Greed overtakes, and somehow, that chaotic puzzle called life just ain’t fun anymore, and we look for shortcuts as if this will make our time here on earth go just a little bit quicker. This is the fixed mindset.
We have the ability to be whatever we so choose to be in life. Depending on our attitude, it “affects what we want and whether we succeed in getting it”.
If we want, we can have the fixed mindset; if we want we can have the growth mindset. We shape our futures, quite literally. Everyone has a choice, try to make the right choice. And maybe, be mature in making your choice.
The chart below illustrates the difference between growth mindset vs. fixed mindset

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