Sunday, June 18, 2017

God says, I will never leave or forsake you, so put your trust in me. Give full devotion and you shall never waiver.

In this world, there is very much a great force living among us.
The force? God.
The setting? Earth. Everything.
The battle? Good and Evil
Have you checked out the weather lately? Tsunami’s, Earthquakes, Lightning storms, Global warming, Hurricanes, and plenty more! We can’t deny that there’s some pretty crazy stuff going on around us. I don’t believe natural disasters are a question of good or evil. It’s just a reminder to us that we aren’t in control of everything. We cannot plan out every single little thing in our lives because we really aren’t in control. Every person on earth has different circumstances that we are born into, but it’s the choices we make throughout life that guides us to where we should be.

Monday, June 12, 2017


We all have to make progress in life, however we can. If we don't, life just isn't very liveable. Life is messy. Get ready for the messiness.
This quote I always keep in the back of my mind for just a little reminder that we only see a microscopic image of whats happening in our world,  but God (and only God)  can see from beginning to end.  If life starts getting chaotic,  thats when you know God is using you.  Trust in him,  and you will never waiver!  In other words,  take a leap of faith!  
It takes a very special person to have blind faith.  It's them being big enough to say,  "God,  I have no idea what's happening in my life right now,  but I'll trust you to guide me to where I need to be. " 
  I have a lot of trust issues,  and because of that,  I kind of build up a wall,  or force field around me.  It could be how my perfectionism came about!  But about 9 years ago,  I decided to let God take the reigns.  Boy have I ever gone for a wild ride!  But had I not trusted,  I would not be where I am today! 
I'm not suggesing everyone go out and live like a hippy and "Trust God" with everything in life!  What I am suggesting is to stop running the race of life so much and try being still,  living in Gods presence.  This could mean doing devotions,  setting time out to pray,  or even turning on some worship music!  Anything we do,  if we are doing it for God,  and it is to fulfill the world of his love,  it should be done.

Go with God! 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Invisible Battle

In life, we feel conflicted to choose our own way, or choose Gods way. I struggle with this concept and if we just remember that we will never be complete unless we choose to go his way. Why wage war with the invisible battle? Life has never been up to us. Just like Amy Grant says, Why try so hard?

Saturday, June 10, 2017


I apologize to anyone that read my last post.

I wasn't thinking and didn't mean any of it.

I was just on a rant.

It makes me see how easy it is to press that publish button and things you never even meant to say get put out there for anyone to read.

Please accept my most sincere apologies.

Everyone makes mistakes; the important thing is to learn from them.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

How facebook affects us

I always new social media skews your perception in life, I'm just glad there's finally a video for it. It can be very addicting, but sometimes its hard to resist the temptation.

Friday, June 2, 2017


We can only see what's happening to us in the present, and things that have happened in the past. Only God can see our lives from a
3 dimensional view, that is past, present, and future. We may not know exactly what our present circumstances are leading us to, but God does! That gives me a lot of comfort, knowing the it is him who steers the ship, not me! So far, he's done pretty well on my life, so I think I'll continue to let him drive!

How about you? Are you putting your faith is Jesus? Has it had a positive or negative aspect to your life?